Saturday, June 10, 2006

Morning After

Last night more than 300 Democrats gathered at the Will Rogers Theatre in Oklahoma City to honor this year's Carl Albert Award winners State Superintendent Sandy Garrett and former ODP Executive Director Pat Hall.

The program highlighted Garrett and Hall while also featuring Governor Brad Henry, 2nd District Congressman Dan Boren and DNC Vicechairman and Congressman Mike Honda from California. (Honda was in town for a training sponsored by INDN's List and the Tulsa County Democratic Party today in Tulsa. This wasn't Honda's first visit to Oklahoma and he promised it won't be his last. Which is indicative of the DNC's strategy for all 50 states, show up in all of the states, build the party from the precincts up. The ODP is the beneficiary of this strategy through the Partnership Program which provides three full time staff members to the party.)

Boren brought a special message from President Bush; well, not exactly Bush, it was Will Farrell's imitation of Bush on Global Warming.....a fun addition to the evening....what a job Boren and Honda have dealing with those Republicans on Capitol Hill....but if things go as we expect, Boren and Honda will part of the majority after the elections in November!

State Treasurer Scott Meacham introduced the Governor who offered up political advice to Corporation Commissioner candidate Cody Graves and other candidates. Said maybe they should consider starting their campaign commercials with a picture of them in front of a stained glass window on a Wednesday night....he continued to say that these Republicans spend hundreds of thousands of dollars telling everyone how religious they are....Democrats don't do that.....Democrats just live faithful lives.....

ODP vicechair Ben Odom gave a personal tribute to Carl Albert that invoked the memory of great oratory and leadership in Democratic politics. Thanks Ben for being our own "little giant."

There's no way I could mention everyone who was there --- but I can say thank you to each and every one for your support of the Oklahoma Democratic Party!

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