Thursday, June 29, 2006


I've been saying that MAJORITY MATTERS whenever people ask about fighting for control of the State Senate....we all know it matters but how does it matter? Yesterday's SCOTUS ruling is a good example of why it matters which party is in the majority. And I doubt that anyone is surprised that Bush's Supreme Court would rule yesterday on the side of disgraced GOPer Tom Delay's Congressional redistricting plan for Texas?

Here's the headline and lead paragraph from the Washington Post:

Justices Affirm GOP Map For Texas Other States May Follow Suit
By Charles Lane and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, June 29, 2006; A01

The Supreme Court upheld most of Texas's Republican-drafted 2003 congressional redistricting plan yesterday in a ruling that could prompt majority parties in other states to redraw political maps to their advantage. Read the rest of the article here.

We well remember when Texas Democrats crossed the border in order to quash a vote on this issue. And now some states are taking a hard look at this issue and are pushing for non-partisan redistricting. It's something we should consider in Oklahoma.

So grab a handful of M&Ms and think Majority Matters! Because they melt in your mouth, not in your hand, you'll have time to tell us why Majority Matters to you. Comments are open.

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