McMahan Deserves Another Term
By World's Editorial Writers
When Jeff McMahan was elected state auditor and inspector he had some big shoes to fill. His predecessor, Clifton Scott, was one of the most honest and well-respected public servants in the state's history. McMahan embraced the task and the challenge. For his work during the past three-plus years McMahan deserves another term.
He was no stranger to the office even before he was elected. He spent 14 years there, seven as head of the Investigative Audit Division. He takes seriously the role of the state's watchdog. The job of the auditor and inspector is to make sure the business of the people of Oklahoma is conducted in a fair and legal manner.
He is opposed by Gary Jones, a former county commissioner and Republican state chairman until he resigned earlier this year to oppose McMahan.
Since he was elected in 2002, McMahan's office has released more than 1,200 audits of taxpayer-funded entities. He also introduced the state's first Performance Audit Division, which uncovered millions of dollars in potential savings in the state's motor vehicle fleet.
McMahan's office has received several national awards for its work finding fraud and waste in government.
There is a lot of money flowing through the government that filters throughout the state. Keeping track of how that money, taxpayers' dollars, is spent is the job of the auditor and inspector. It is imperative that the person in that position be honest and diligent.
McMahan has proven to be that person. He knows how his office and state government works. He knows how to get the job done. Oklahoma voters can trust McMahan. Jeff McMahan ought to be re-elected so he can continue a job well done.
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