Sunday, September 17, 2006

Whatever happened to CR Anthony's?

Wasn't CR Anthony's the family-owned business of Bob Anthony? Whatever happened to it? Whatever happened to the employees and their pension plans there? Can anyone explain how inheriting a family business and a family fortune qualifies someone to regulate utilities? or to make decisions about telecommunications in our state?

What has Bob Anthony done to protect Oklahoma consumers? What has Bob Anthony done to encourage Oklahoma's working families? Isn't 18 years of insider dealings and secret negotiations enough? Can Oklahoma trust Bob Anthony?

We need a Democrat on the Corporation Commission who will make decisions that respect the rights of ratepayers and the need to grow our state's economy. Oklahoma needs Cody Graves, an experienced leader in the oil and gas utility regulation industry and someone who understands economic development. Oklahoma needs someone who cares about Oklahoma. Oklahoma needs someone to regulate the oil and gas industry who will be an advocate for consumers. Oklahoma can trust Cody Graves. Vote Cody Graves for Corporation Commission on November 7th.

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