Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Distinguished Lecturer Series

Last night I had the pleasure of speaking on the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University as part of the Distinguished Lecturer Series associated with the Aspects of State Government class.

The class is taught by former Oklahoma Speaker of the House, now SOSU President Dr. Glen Johnson, Dr. Richard Pearlstein, and Dr. Chummei Yoe. Dr. Johnson will be inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame Thursday night in Tulsa.

I had been scheduled to speak in the 7 p.m. slot following Oklahoma House Speaker Elect Lance Cargill but he was running late so I spoke at 5:30 p.m. and he at 7 p.m. Apparently GOP Chairman Tom Daxon was unable to participate in the series.

As a former teacher it's always great to be back in an academic setting and last night combining education and politics was about as good as it gets for me! Thanks Dr. Johnson for the opportunity to visit your campus and meet your students and staff!

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