Monday, February 12, 2007


A very important part of the upcoming precinct meetings on March 8th will be the beginning of our resolutions process. This is the process whereby grassroots Democrats can submit, in writing, their proposals for recognizing, supporting, or opposing an individual, an action, or issue.

Take for example the recent Resolution passed by the DNC commemorating the life of Molly Ivins. These "whereas whereas whereas therefore be it resolved" statements can literally be the heart and soul of grassroots activity and ultimately assist us in formulating a statement of beliefs and "platform".

This year we will provide a template for writing resolutions to streamline the process of review of resolutions at the county, district and state level. This form will be available soon. But in the meantime, take a look at the format the DNC uses by reading through the most recent resolutions on the DNC website. For the resolutions click here.

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