Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Morning Coffee Rant

I'm no economist but could it possibly be that the Equalization Board's reduced estimate for individual income tax collections is somehow related to the Republican rush to decimate the tax base? Could it be that when you reduce taxes you actually collect fewer dollars?

It's disappointing to see that Senator Glenn Coffee is pleased that the state will have fewer new dollars to spend. And it's enlightening that he's finally admitting that there is something wrong with "the national economic climate" -- the Bush economy. Gee, the American middle class has known that for quite some time now.

I'm glad to see that Democratic Governor Brad Henry is holding firm on his funding priorities and I hope that the Senate Democrats and House Democrats will do the same --- I expect they will -- it's genetic with us --- strong investments in education, health care and research grow an opportunity economy and a healthy citzenry.

In the meantime, expect that the right-wingers at the state capitol will look for every way possible to criticize the Governor's priorities and commitments to expand education opportunities and ramp up sorely needed access to health care and job producing, income generating research for Oklahoma citizens.

The Republicans continually make mountains out of molehills, seizing on every jot and tittle of ongoing discussions about how to spend the taxpayers' money. Come on guys. Take a look at the forest, not just the next election in front of you. Now that's a good idea.

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