Saturday, May 12, 2007

EPA orders Oklahoma feedlot to Stop Polluting the Water

Democrats have long supported the protection of drinking water supplies. This story is in our own backyard -- the EPA has ordered a Watonga feedlot to clean up the local drinking water supply that has been compromised by animal waste. Read about it here.

1 comment:

Mack Miller said...

This is only a start. The corporate hog farms are a HUGE risk also and maybe even a bigger risk than this feedlot. The hog farms spray urine/feces with a little water onto the land around the farm. Grass or hay is grown, not sure which. The water table in NW Oklahoma is very shallow. My well is in my backyard and the water is only 40' down. My brother-in-law lives a half mile from me and his water comes to the top of the ground and he uses a sump pump to carry the water into the house. All the area residents tried to fight the corporate hog farms coming in but to no avail. They are NOT watched close enough!

There is a corporate hog farm north of Watonga and south of Okeene. One April Fools Day, the paper printed a fake front page. The lead story was, "Hogs Escape, Head South But Stop And Go Back, Feedlot Stench Too Much For Them"

Our Attorney General Drew Edmondson is trying to help residents protect the water all over the state but the Monkey Rs are bought and paid for by corporate $$$$$$$$$ and are working against us! I for one applaud the EPA stepping in and taking this action to my neighbor, just some 40 miles southeast of my home.