Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The ODP Appeals Process

Oklahoma favorite son Will Rogers is often quoted as saying he didn't belong to any organized party, he's a Democrat. With all due respect to Mr. Rogers, the modern state party is operated under an official Constitution and Bylaws which includes rules and procedures that address disagreements within the party. Disagreements often arise as to the organization of committees, conventions and elections. If a disagreement arises in your county, review the following excerpt from the Oklahoma Democratic Party's Constitution and Bylaws.

According to the Oklahoma Democratic Party Constitution and Bylaws the appeals process is as follows:

Article VIII: Appeals

Section 1: Precinct Committee – In the event of a disagreement over the interpretation or application of any Party rule or procedure that may arise at a Precinct Committee meeting and is not satisfactorily resolved at that meeting, a Democrat may appeal the decision of the Precinct Committee at the next regular meeting of the County Convention. Should the decision of the County Convention not be deemed satisfactory, the aggrieved individual may appeal the decision to the State Central Committee.

Section 2: Other Appeals – In the event of a disagreement over the interpretation or application of any Party rule or procedure that may arise at any County Convention meeting, County Central Committee meeting, Congressional District Convention meeting, Congressional District Central Committee meeting, Democratic club meeting or
State federation of Democratic clubs meeting and is not satisfactorily resolved at the respective meeting, a Democrat may appeal the decision to the State Central Committee.

Section 3: Appellate Procedure – Upon the receipt of a written appeal to the State Central Committee, the State Chair with the advise and consent of the State Central Committee shall attempt to mediate a settlement; or appoint a special master or appellate committeeto review and investigate the grounds of the appeal and make a recommendation to the State Central Committee.

Section 4: State Central Committee – Upon the receipt of the recommendation of the special master or appellate committee and upon being fully informed of the grounds and circumstances of the appeal, the State Central Committee shall vote to uphold, overturn
or modify the decision of the lower body.

Section 5: Conciliation – Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the special master or appellate committee from attempting to resolve any dispute between the parties involved. Should the parties resolve their differences, they may enter into an agreement
as to the action they will take or refrain from taking and, with the approval of the special master or appellate committee, make that recommendation to the State Central Committee.

Section 6: Reprimand – The State Central Committee may issue letters of reprimand to officers for violation of Party rules. Said letters shall be mailed to the delegates of the committee from which the officer was elected.

Section 7: Supreme Authority – The decision of the State Central Committee may be appealed at the next regular meeting of the State Convention.

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