Tuesday, January 30, 2007

State Democrats Committed To Protecting Health of Oklahomans

Oklahoma City, OK- Jan 30, 2007 Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman Lisa Pryor's statement on the Healthcare initiatives rolled out today by the Democratic Caucus of the Oklahoma House of Representatives:

"Eight out of ten voters say healthcare is one of the most pressing issues facing Oklahoma families. Democratic House Members have a viable plan, Vision for Oklahoma's Second Century, for affordable and accessible healthcare coverage," Pryor said. "Today the Democratic Caucus unrolled a series of bills aimed at helping working men and women ensure their family's safety and health. They want to protect the health and wellness of our state's citizens, including the most vulnerable, our children. The Democrats are committed to providing quality healthcare and prescription drugs to all Oklahomans, regardless of economic means or geographical location. The success of Oklahoma in the next 100 years is directly related to our ability to develop generations of healthy Oklahomans."

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