Good Morning from DC
There are bloggers all over the place here. They have special credentials just like the PRESS. Daily KOS has some people here, I checked it today and what caught my attention was the entry about the Oklahoma National Guard.
I'm starting the day at the Veterans and Military Families Council meeting. Our state version will meet at the ODP next Saturday.
Yesterday I attended the Rural Caucus. Gov. Dean answered questions for half an hour then opened the floor for comments. Sitting next to Ben was a man from southwest Virginia who said what we have here is a culture war and that we Democrats need to reach deep into our culture and talk about it with folks. He said it more eloquently. Then Ben followed up with an Oklahoma example and referenced a book he'd read by Dave "Mudcat" Saunders. The meeting chair told us that was our homework for the next meeting. The gentleman next to Ben said under his breath, "I'm Mudcat." Indeed he is. Check him out here. Ben and I agreed we have our own version of Mudcat in Hugh Graham from Atoka.
Time for breakfast and the first meeting. More later.
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