Creek County Democratic Party Hosts BBQ
(This report and photo are from the Sapulpa Daily Herald. Pictured at right are Lt. Gov. Jari Askins, Cynthia Holtwick, and Labor Commissioner Lloyd Fields. )
Herald Staff Writer
State Democratic heavyweights came to Sapulpa Friday night for a barbecue dinner and an old-fashioned political rally at the Creek County Fairgrounds.
Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Jari Askins told the group the state government would be running more efficient now since both the governor and lieutenant governor were both Democrats.
She said currently the State Senate had been struggling with reorganizing committees because of the 50-50 split between Republicans and Democrats in the upper house.
Earlier in the evening, Danny Morgan, Sate Democrat Minority Leader in the House of Representatives told the group that his party had put together a list of major commitments to five key areas.
He said these areas included access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs, education, economy, safe communities for children and responsible government that included ethics reform.
Askins said state voters should keep in mind these key areas of concern are a foundation to build a better Oklahoma.
Also in attendance were State Sen. Nancy Riley, Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Lloyd Fields and Ben Odom, co-chairman of the State Democratic Party, who acted as master of ceremonies.
Creek County Assessor Cynthia Holtwick, substituting for Willene Wright, Creek County Democratic Chairman, officially greeted the group.
Wright is recovering from surgery on her arm.
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