Friday, February 23, 2007

OK County Democrats

I enjoyed being with the OK County Democrats at their regular Friday luncheon at the Boulevard Cafeteria today. Because most of those present are party regulars I see them often, but it was particularly nice today to speak with them about the progress made at the ODP since May 2005. If their enthusiasm for the upcoming precinct meetings and state convention is any indication we will have a great turnout of Democrats at every level in 2007 which will enable us to go from good to great in 2008.

I've asked them, on behalf of the State Convention Arrangements Committee, to consider hosting in their homes some of our out-of-town delegates to the State Convention. After all, we are the party that cares and shares. So, if you plan to attend the Convention in May and would like to take advantage of hosted accomodations please let us know and we'll try to put together something with the generous OK County Democrats.

1 comment:

Linda Wade said...

Lisa, I have two couches I'm willing to offer for out of towners.
