Executive Procedures and Effective Dates
(Thanks to "the BUZZ" at OKINSIDER for this information on executive branch procedures and effective dates. To check the status of bills sent to the Governor click here.)
Governor Signing\Veto During Session
• 5 Days after receipt of measure (Sundays Excluded)
• Bills not Signed or Vetoed within 5 days will be considered approved without
Governor Signing\Veto After Sine Die Adjournment
• 15 Days after adjournment (June 10th if adjournment occurs on May 26th)
• Bills not Signed or Vetoed within 15 days will be considered disapproved (also
known as a pocket veto).
Veto of Appropriations Measures
• The Governor may disapprove in whole or in part any appropriation measure by
the same deadline. A disapproval in part is considered a Line-Item Veto.
Procedure for Overturning Veto
• If measure is vetoed during session the legislature may overturn the Governor’s
objections with a two-thirds vote of both houses.
• If the vetoed measure was an emergency measure then three-fourths of both
houses would be needed to overturn the Governor’s objections.
Bill Effective Dates
• No measure may take effect before 90 days after adjournment without an
emergency clause. (Will be Aug. 24th if adjournment occurs on May 26th –
General Appropriations Measure excluded)
• Bills with an effective date only will take effect on the date stated by the effective
date (Cannot be earlier than 90 days after adjournment)
• Bills with an Emergency Clause only will take effect immediately upon
Governor’s signature.
• Bills with both an Emergency Clause and effective date will take effect on the
date stated by the effective date (Can be prior to 90 days after adjournment)
• Legislative Referendums and Initiative Petitions take effect immediately upon
approval of the voting public.
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