Citing “Strong Moral Values and Ethics Reform for Washington”
Clark says, “Oklahoma Needs a Leader Like Hal Spake”
October 31, 2006, Little Rock, AR--Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, General Wesley Clark endorses the candidacy of Hal Spake for the U.S. Congress from the 4th Congressional District of Oklahoma.
“Hal Spake will bring a level of international understanding and expertise to Congress that is sorely needed in these critical days,” says General Clark, “With twenty-two years of service to our country in the US military and the US Diplomatic Corps with duty stations around the world, Spake will bring an understanding of cultures and diplomacy desperately needed in the critical missions and crises facing America in the near future.” General Clark notes that, “Hal Spake has represented the United States on immigration issues from the diplomatic viewpoint and understands legal immigration. He has a strong commitment to work to secure our borders and keep America safe.”
Spake’s long history of foreign policy expertise has led to his consideration of an exit strategy such that the U.S. needs to "announce to the world what we expect to happen and set goals for what needs to happen militarily." He described these goals as "tripwires" that, when tripped, will correspond with the withdrawal of certain numbers of U.S. troops until the American occupation is over.
Concerning the current situation with Iran and the Israeli-Lebanese conflict, Spake said, "Hezbollah is a proxy agent for the Iranians and Iran is just showing the Muslim world how weak the U.S. is. The President has so weakened us strategically that we're not sure what to do."
General Clark said, “A candidate of the strong moral values and invaluable expertise such as Hal Spake comes along once in a lifetime. Join me in working hard to send Hal Spake to Congress. He will bring the intelligence, experience and passion for the issues that face our country to bear that will serve our country well in the days we face ahead. In voting for Hal Spake, Oklahomans will have the rare opportunity to change the current corrupt politics-as-usual in Washington, DC.”
General Wesley K. Clark is a retired four-star general and served as the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe where he commanded NATO forces and directed Operation Allied Force in the Balkans, putting a stop to the ethnic cleansing by the Serbs. More recently, he was drafted in 2003 to seek the Democratic nomination for President. General Clark remains engaged in public policy and private business development. Authoring two books, Waging Modern Wars and Winning Modern Wars, he and his wife, Gert, still live in Little Rock. He can be reached through his website, www.securingamerica.com.